SSM Project - An On-line Shopping Website (1)

Part 1. Introduction

In this project we use Spring, SpringMVC and Mybatis techniques to build an on-line shopping website like Amazon.

Before we start to build the website, let’s analyze the app requirements at first.

  1. Front-End Display
    In the frone-end pages, we need to visualize the data in the database. These pages include index page, product page, shopping cart page, category page, search result page, settlement page, payment page, confirm receipt page, customer reviews page, and log in page. As for how to organize the data, we’ll use bootstrap.
  2. Front-End Interaction
    Based on conceptes in http protocols, such as POST, GET, the asynchronous communicatons between user and server is realized through using JQuery. These communctions is used to enable some on-line shopping functions, like adding to shopping cart, creating order, logging in.
  3. Back-End Function
    Maintaining and managing the data used in the online shopping website, such as category management, produce management, procduct images management, product attributes management, customer management, order management.

Techniques used in the project:

Contents Techniques
Repository (Database) Mabatis
Controller Spring MVC
Porject Management Tool Maven Web Project
Front-End Framework Bootstrap, JQuery
Server-side Template Engine JSP
Asynchronous communication AJAX

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《SSM Project - An On-line Shopping Website (1)》 by Tong Shi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License