Min Stack

LeetCode Q 155 - Min Stack

Design a stack that supports push, pop, top, and retrieving the minimum element in constant time.

  • push(x) – Push element x onto stack.
  • pop() – Removes the element on top of the stack.
  • top() – Get the top element.
  • getMin() – Retrieve the minimum element in the stack.

MinStack minStack = new MinStack();
minStack.getMin(); –> Returns -3.
minStack.top(); –> Returns 0.
minStack.getMin(); –> Returns -2.


Solution 1 :

Use a variable min to track the previous minimum Value, and use the stack to store the difference of the current value to minimumvalue, i.e. num - min.
Therefore if the value in the stack is negative, that means, the current value is less than the min.

Note: This method is cannot pass the test case, i.e.


private Stack<Integer> stack;
private Integer min;

/ ** initialize your data structure here. * /
public MinStack() {
	min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
	stack = new Stack<>();

public void push(int x) {
	if (stack.isEmpty()) {
		stack.push(0); min = x;
	} else {
		stack.push(x - min);
		min = Math.min(x, min);

public void pop() {
	int num = stack.pop();
	if (num < 0) 
		min = min - num;

public int top() {
	return stack.peek() + min;

public int getMin() {
	return min;

Solution 2 :

Use two stacks, one is Monotonous stack.


private Stack<Integer> stack;
private Stack<Integer> minStack;

/ ** initialize your data structure here. * /
public MinStack() {
	stack = new Stack<>();
	minStack = new Stack<>();

public void push(int x) {
	if (minStack.isEmpty()) {
	} else if (minStack.peek() >= x) {

public void pop() {
	int num = stack.pop();
	if (num == minStack.peek())

public int top() {
	return stack.peek();

public int getMin() {
	return minStack.peek();

Solution 3 : OOD


class Node {
	int val, min;
	Node next;
	public Node (int val, int min, Node next) {
		this.val = val; this.min = min; this.next = next;

	public Node (int val, int min) {
		this(val, min, null);

/ ** initialize your data structure here. * /
public MinStack() {

private Node head;

public void push(int x) {
	if (this.head == null)
		this.head = new Node(x, x);
		this.head = new Node(x, Math.min(x, this.head.min), this.head);

public void pop() {
	if (head == null)
	head = head.next;

public int top() {
	return head.val;

public int getMin() {
	return head.min;

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《Min Stack》 by Tong Shi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License