LeetCode Q 1128 - Shortest Path with Alternating Colors
Consider a directed graph, with nodes labelled 0, 1, ..., n-1
. In this graph, each edge is either red or blue, and there could be self-edges or parallel edges.
Each [i, j]
in red_edges denotes a red directed edge from node i
to node j
. Similarly, each [i, j]
in blue_edges denotes a blue directed edge from node i
to node j
Return an array answer of length n
, where each answer[X]
is the length of the shortest path from node 0 to node X
such that the edge colors alternate along the path (or -1
if such a path doesn’t exist).
Example 1: Input: n = 3, red_edges = [[0,1],[1,2]], blue_edges = [] ; Output: [0,1,-1]
Example 2: Input: n = 3, red_edges = [[0,1]], blue_edges = [[2,1]] ; Output: [0,1,-1]
Example 3: Input: n = 3, red_edges = [[1,0]], blue_edges = [[2,1]]
; Output: [0,-1,-1]
Example 4: Input: n = 3, red_edges = [[0,1]], blue_edges = [[1,2]] ;
Output: [0,1,2]
Example 5: Input: n = 3, red_edges = [[0,1],[0,2]], blue_edges = [[1,0]] ; Output: [0,1,1]
1 <= n <= 100
red_edges.length <= 400
blue_edges.length <= 400
red_edges[i].length == blue_edges[i].length == 2
0 <= red_edges[i][j], blue_edges[i][j] < n
Solution: BFS, choose next node from map with different color.
private static final int RED = 1, BLUE = 2;
public int[] shortestAlternatingPaths(int n, int[\][] red_edges, int[\][] blue_edges) {
Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> redMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> blueMap = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
redMap.put(i, new HashSet<>());
blueMap.put(i, new HashSet<>());
for (int re: red_edges) {
for (int be: blue_edges) {
int[] res = new int[n];
Arrays.fill(res, -1);
Queue<int[]> que = new LinkedList<>();
// node, color (1: red, 2: blue)
que.offer(new int[]{0, 0}); que.offer(new int[]{0, 0});
int dist = 0;
Set<String> seen = new HashSet<>();
while (!que.isEmpty()) {
int size = que.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
int[] curr = que.poll();
int node = curr[0], color = curr[1];
if (seen.contains(node+" "+color)) continue;
seen.add(node + " " + color);
if (res[node] == -1) res[node] = dist;
if (color == RED || color == 0) {
for (int next: blueMap.get(color)) {
que.offer(new int[]{next, BLUE});
if (color == BLUE || color == 0) {
for (int next: redMap.get(color)) {
que.offer(new int[]{next, RED});
return res;