TongTong Shi's Blog
A Playground to Share My Knowledge
PHP Study Notes - Session PHP Study Notes - Session
Session in PHPofficial documentation 1. Sessions & Cookies Session: a chunk of data maintained at the server that m
2019-09-10 Tong Shi
PHP Study Notes - PDO PHP Study Notes - PDO
PHP Data Objects (PDO) Interfaceofficial documentation The PDO extension defines a lightweight, consistent interface fo
2019-09-10 Tong Shi
PHP Study Notes - Overview PHP Study Notes - Overview
In this series of PHP study notes, the following contents will be covered:
2019-09-10 Tong Shi
Flip Columns For Maximum Number of Equal Rows Flip Columns For Maximum Number of Equal Rows
LeetCode Q 1072 - Flip Columns For Maximum Number of Equal RowsGiven a matrix consisting of 0s and 1s, we may choose any
2019-08-15 Tong Shi
Insufficient Nodes in Root to Leaf Paths Insufficient Nodes in Root to Leaf Paths
LeetCode Q 1080 - Insufficient Nodes in Root to Leaf PathsGiven the root of a binary tree, consider all root to leaf pat
2019-08-15 Tong Shi
Lexicographical Numbers Lexicographical Numbers
LeetCode Q 386 - Lexicographical NumbersGiven an integer n, return 1 - n in lexicographical order.For example, given 13,
2019-08-15 Tong Shi
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